Chiropractor Lead Generation

Center for Integrative and Regenerative Medicine

Over 1,337 Qualified Leads Generated

Facebook reach

$32.83 per qualified lead (after $43,892.21 spend)

Ticket Sales Online

73% decrease in cost per lead

About The Client

The mission of Center for Regenerative Medicine is to serve patients with chronic health issues using a common-sense approach to health care. Their goal is to help educate and inform people on having a happy, healthy, pain-free lifestyle.

The Challenge

Center for Regenerative Medicine approached us to generate more leads for their regenerative medicine services, specifically stem cell therapy. 

The client had already been running small in-person seminars to generate interest in their services but wanted to increase the number of people turning up. They had failed to generate enough leads to make it profitable at scale.

Increase Personal Brand

Aberdeen FC had no experience of paid activity on Facebook and wanted to test whether it could play a part in increasing season ticket sales for the 2017/2018 football league season. In previous years they had relied on traditional advertising efforts such as billboards and newspapers.

Gavin Bell

Client Name, CEO Aberdeen FC

Yatter Our Approach

Our Approach

With our experience in this area, we were able to execute campaigns that generated a quick ROI. Because Stem Cell Therapy is an expensive treatment, it requires a high level of trust and education before a prospect agrees to go ahead with it.

Knowing that, we opted to create campaigns that educated people on Stem Cell Therapy before inviting them to in-person seminars.

We used a lot of testimonial-based ads to show how many people had attended and enjoyed the seminars before getting treated. This creative, coupled with clever targeting, was what allowed us to generate results quickly.


Our campaigns generated over 1,337 qualified leads for the client, equating to a large increase in profits.

We saw a 73% decrease in cost per lead (vs what the client was paying before us), and in their words, the lead quality had “improved dramatically!”.

Yatter Center For Integrative Regeneration Results
Yatter Center For Integrative Regeneration Results

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