How Do You Create a Facebook Retargeting Ad?

Create a Facebook Retargeting Ads

After reading this article, chances are you’ll get followed around Facebook with a retargeting ad of mine… (depending on if it’s running right now or not)

Have you ever searched for something on Amazon, like a pair of shoes or a dress, only for that same product to follow you around Facebook? That’s retargeting. It’s so powerful, yet so simple to set up.

In this article, I’ll show you how to set up your own retargeting ads.

Facebook retargeting ad

Creating Your Retargeting Advert

1. Set up the Facebook pixel on your site

The first step is ensuring you have the Facebook pixel installed on your site. The Facebook pixel is a piece of Javascript code that goes on your website, enabling you to measure, optimise and build audiences.

You can find your Facebook pixel by going to your Facebook ads manager. Click on pixels in the menu, then set up. If you’ve not already created your pixel, you’ll simply have to click the big button that allows you to.

Creating a Retargeting ad via the Facebook Pixel

There are various different ways to install the pixel code on your site. You can enter it in-between the header tags on your site, use a WordPress plugin or use something like Google Tag Manager. In this guide I share instructions on installing the pixel.

You can then download a Google Chrome extension called Pixel Helper, which will tell you whether the pixel is working properly.

2. Create custom audience on Facebook

Now we have the Facebook Pixel installed on your site, the next step is to create a custom audience from the pixel.

To do that, you want to click on all tools in your ads manager menu, then audiences, then create audience, then custom audience. This will pop up.

Creating a Facebook Custom Audience

When here, choose website traffic.

When here, simply leave it to Anyone who visits your website, specificy the number of days and name your audience.

3. Set up the ad, targeting people from your custom audience

Next, we need to set up the ad. I’m not going to go into full detail here because I’ve covered how to set up ads in this video.

When choosing your audience, you want to choose the website custom audience that you created!

Related article: Should I buy Facebook page likes?

Then design your ad and go live!

4. Voila!

And there you have it! Once you’ve submitted your ad, anyone who visits your site will be served it. You might want to run something as a little bit of fun, or you can use it to drive people further into your funnel.


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