I’ve been lucky enough over the last few years, to write for or be featured on the the likes of EOFire.com, Huffington Post, Virgin.com, Kissmetrics, Social Media Examiner and more…
Sometimes I’m asked things like ‘how do you write for Huffington Post?’ or ‘how did you get on the Entrepreneur on Fire podcast…?’
It’s often much simpler than you might think. There’s no complex, hidden system or process for getting published on these types of websites.
(well, actually, there are some weird I’ll-rub-your-back-if-you-rub-mine networks around…)
In most cases, to get featured, I just ask.
Most of the time they say no… but sometimes they’ll say yes.
In this article I’m going to document some of the publications I’ve been on and how I did it, so you can to. I’m going to keep this article updated as I get featured on more sites.
How to get on the Entrepreneur on Fire podcast
The Entrepreneur On Fire podcast is one of, if not the best, podcast for entrepreneurs and small businesses. It’s hosted by all-round legend and great guy, John Lee Dumas and generates over 1.5 million unique listens a month.
Big numbers.
JLD has had the likes of Seth Godin, Tim Ferriss and Gary Vee on the show as guests… and you could be on it too!
I was on the podcast in November 2017: episode 1847! It was great to chat to JLD and I was totally blown away by the process in how the podcast is produced.
Leading up to the interview, you receive a series of emails with reminders about the interview, the questions you’ll be asked, your time, instructions on how to change your Skype notifications (so there’s no interruptions) and you’re even required to have a microphone of this quality or above… if you don’t have it, your slot is cancelled.
Do you need to know John personally to get on the show?
There’s a very simple application form. Simply go here to apply 🙂
Fill in the quick form, then wait to see if you’ve been accepted!
Take a listen to my interview here:
How to write for Huffington Post
I wrote my first (and only blog) for Huff Post back in November 2016, where I wrote about how your 20’s are the best time for you to start a business.
How did I write for HuffPo?
Simple. I found Arianna Huffington’s email address on Google and emailed her asking if I could write for them.
She replied one month later and got me signed up as a contributor.
I wrote the post, got the all-clear from the editors and it went live.
In fact, I did the exact same thing with Thrive. I emailed Arianna to ask if could write for them and I got his email back:
I’m not sure what their guest writer policies are now, but I think the best way to write for them now is to send your blog pitch to: HuffPostUK@Huffingtonpost.com
How to write for Social Media Examiner
Social Media Examiner is an awesome business and blog that creates content for small-medium sized businesses that want to learn how to use social media more effectively.
Mike Stelzner and his team are also the ones behind the huge social media conference, Social Media Marketing World.
Social Media Examiner, like a lot of blogs, have an application page where you can apply/pitch to write for them. You can find Social Media Examiners page here.
Note: these pages are often hidden away 😉
Within a few weeks of applying, I submitted my first blog and after a few back and fourths with the editors, it was live on the site.
Getting featured on any site
Often it’s a lot simpler than you might think. Here’s what to do:
1. Search on Google for blogs/podcasts or places you want to write for. You want to find sites that share similar audiences to who you want to reach (and to whom you can provide value to)
2. Try and find an application page/email address for that site. You might be able to find that on the website, or you can search on Google for things such as ‘Entrepreneur on Fire + feature/apply/write for us/guest writer‘
3. If you can’t find an application page/email, jump on LinkedIn and find the most relevant person. Maybe that’s the owner; maybe they have someone in charge of the blog
4. Get in touch and ask them what their guest policies are and pitch them what you can offer
5. Voila!
Guest blogging and getting featured is a great way to reach new audiences and to build your brand.
If you get featured anywhere after reading this, let me know!