Paid Ads Audit by Yatter
Granting access is easy.
Simply follow these steps and you’ll be done in 5 minutes 🙂
Facebook Ads
- Go to your Facebook Business Manager.
- Once you’re there, click on Business settings.
- On the left, click on Ad accounts (found under Accounts). Make sure the correct ad account is selected and then click on Assign Partners.
- Then click Business ID and enter the following number: 897211667052887
- Toggle on View performance, click Next and you’re done!
Google Ads
- Go to Google Ads.
- Sign in, ensuring you select the correct Google ad account.
- When signed in, you’ll see a series of numbers in the top right of your screen (ie. xxx-xxx-xxxx)
- Copy that ID and send it to us via email.
- Once we have your ad account ID, we’ll request access to your ad account from the Yatter MCC account.
- You’ll receive an email inviting you to accept.
- Once accepted, we’ll have access!
Google Analytics
- Sign in to your Google Analytics account.
- Select the “admin” tab and navigate to the desired account.
- In the account property/view column, click user management.
- Click the +, enter and grant admin access.
Google Tag Manager
- Head to Google Tag Manager.
- Click on Admin.
- Then Account -> User Management.
- Click the plus (+), add new users and then add
- Select admin permissions.
If you don’t use Tag Manager, you can skip this step. Just let us know!
- Head to LinkedIn Campaign Manager.
- Click on the correct account name.
- Then click on the account name (top right) -> select Manage access.
- Click Add user.
- Enter the name “Gavin Bell” or use this URL. If Gavin doesn’t appear, connect with him first. Select Viewer in the drop down.
- Click on Add!
If you don’t use Tag Manager, you can skip this step. Just let us know!
Important things to note

- When you grant us access, we will look at performance but we won't touch or make any changes to your campaigns.
- We operate under strict confidentiality and do not disclose any findings to anyone other than you. We're happy to sign an NDA.
- You can remove Yatter's access to your ad account at any time.
Why Yatter?
Some of our amazing clients...

- We manage over $3 million in client advertising spend each year, and you don’t get to do that without generating serious results.
- We have a wealth of testimonials, case studies & results here. We have worked with 100's of businesses across the world. If you'd like any other case studies or results - just ask!
- We have worked with 100's of businesses across the world of all shapes and sizes. We'll immediately be able to pinpoint areas where you could be getting better results.